  • Duration 6-8Hrs Hrs
  • Cost 499 INR
  • Enrollments 180
  • Tech Stack OpenCV
  • Project(s) 1

People Counting and Tracking System

Badge Description
This badge earner has a foundational understanding of the People Counting and Tracking System using Deep learning and Computer vision concepts.
(People Counting and Tracking System uses computer vision and deep learning algorithms to analyze images for people's count.)

They have the ability to perform the following technical activities:

  • Build a Visual to count the number of pedestrians walking through a door in any public areas using the latest Object Detection algorithms.
  • Executing computer vision tools to input images and videos. Deploy a Pre-Trained Neural Network model to find the best results.
  • working with MobileNet Single-Shot-Detection pretrained model.
  • Building an Object tracker
  • Finally building an End-To-End People Counter and Tracking System.

Skills you Gain
Python Open CV Deep Learning

People Counting and Tracking System

  1. Complete a Working Prototype / Project
  2. Project Completion Certificate
  3. Verifiable Micro - Experience Badge
  4. Mentor Access to Clarify your Queries
  5. Access to Recorded Video of the Session
  6. Interactive Live Session