Module 1: Introduction to Robotics
- Classification of Robotics
- Applications of Robotics in various industries
- Common types of industrial Robots based on Joint type
- Robotics manufacturing Companies
- Important Considerations of robotics project
- Architecture of Intelligent Robots and Robotic systems
- ROS based Industrial Robots
- Applications
Module 2: Linux for Robotics
- Introduction to the Linux
- Linux Basics
- Advanced Utilities
Module 3: Python Environment Setup
- Installation of Visual Studio Code
- Python Basics
- Python Data Structures
- Python Programming Fundamentals
- Python - Files I/O
- Python - Object Oriented Programming
Module 4: Introduction to ROS
- Introductions to ROS
- Importance of ROS in industries
- ROS based Robots a. Turtlebot3 burger b. Franka Emika Panda etc
- Installation of ROS kinetic and its packages
- ROS file system configuration
- Basic physics properties of Robotics
Module 5: ROS cheat sheet and ROS Workspace
- ROS Cheat Sheet
- Importance of catkin workspace
- Navigating the ROS Filesystem
- Creating Catkin workspace
- ROS in built Packages
Module 6: ROS Topics
- Creating ROS Package
- Writing simple Publisher and Subscriber using python
- Building your nodes
- Creating ROS Topic message
- Writing the Publisher topic
- Writing the Subscriber topic
Module 7: ROS Services and Actions
- Creating ROS Package
- Writing a Simple Service and Client using python
- Building your nodes
- Creating ROS Service Message
- Writing a Service server
- Writing the Service Client
Module 8: Introduction to Rviz and Gazebo simulator
- Introduction to GUI tools
- Explanation about Rviz
- Introduction to Gazebo and its features
- Hands on exercise with model builder on gazebo for making robot world
Module 9: Building two wheeled Robot
- Introduction to URDF and its properties
- Basic syntax explanation
- Links
- Joint
- Sensor etc.
- Building two wheeled robot using URDF
Module 10: Integrating two wheeled Robot with LDS sensor and RGB Camera
- Introduction to Xacro
- Converting two wheeled robot URDF file into Xacro file
- Introduction to Laser Distance Sensor
- Integration of laser Distance sensor to the two wheeled robot
- Object Detection through Laser rays
- Introduction to RGB Camera plugin
- View the Simulated environment with RGB Camera
Module 11: Web & Mobile App development
- Introduction to Node-RED Service
- Build a Web App to display sensor data and sending commands through buttons
- Configure API’s to communicate with Mobile App
- Introduction to MIT App inventor for mobile Application development.
- Build a Mobile App to display the sensor data and send commands to IoT device
Module 12: Navigation and Mapping
- Introduction to Navigation and Mapping
- Creating a 3D environment for Mapping on Gazebo
- Introduction to gmapping
- Navigation of two wheeled robot through the Trained map Environment
Module 13: Working with Turtlebot3 Burger
- Introduction to Turtlebot3 burger
- Features of Turtlebot3 Burger
- Components of Turtlebot3 Burger
- Specifications of Turtlebot3 Burger
- Remote PC
- Single Board Computer
- OpenCR
- Turtlebot3 Burger Package Installation
- Basic operations
Module 14: Introduction to OpenCV
- OpenCV OpenSave Image Files
- OpenCV Pixels and Image Structure
- OpenCV Image Encoding
- OpenCV Video Streams Input
- OpenCV Drawing Shapes
Module 15: CVBridge for Bridging OpenCV and ROS
- Integrate camera to Two wheeled robot
- Building Usecases